The 15 Most Beautiful Locations on Earth

Green_Mile_Tunnel,_RivnePhoto credit: CC license by

We live in a world full of unbridled beauty and no matter where you are at you are only a 180 degree turn away from seeing something amazing. So what are the most beautiful locations on Earth? What places on this planet will make your jaw drop? Let’s take a look at a few of the sights that will change your view of Earth forever.

1. The Tunnel Of Love – Ukraine

The Tunnel Of Love is the embodiment of man meeting nature. A railroad was laid down through the Kleven Village forest and it hosted a train that would come through 3 or 4 times a day. Over time the trees in the forest started to grow around the tracks and were shaped into a beautiful tunnel by the trains passing. This eerie yet beautiful tunnel is a destination spot for those with romance in their hearts.

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